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Some selected topics in sparse matrix methods

| Odborný seminář KO-MIX

Jurjen Duintjer Tebbens (Ústav informatiky AV ČR, v. v. i., web)
Pondělí 28. listopadu 2016, 14:30 hodin
Místnost G4-MAT, 4. patro budovy G, kampus Husova (Univerzitní nám. 1410/1)

Sparse matrices (Tim Davis collection)

[Pozvánka v PDF]


The talk gives an introduction into the main tasks and methods for sparse matrices and then points out a number of specific results in the subareas of

  1. convergence analysis of Krylov subspace methods with non-normal matrices
  2. preconditioning of sequences of linear systems
  3. condition number estimators and
  4. applications in statistics.